

We run our manufacturing facility 24/7, our production facility is consists of 3 polythene extrusion lines with average output capacity of 5 tones per day. We convert polythene tubing into refuse sacks with help of our 2 conversion machines which we use to produce our flat packed bags whilst another 2 bags on rolls machines are capable of producing refuse sacks on roll. Products We can supply following products. Refuse Sacks Rubble Sacks Medical/Clinical Sacks Pedal Bin Liners Swing Bin Liners Wheelie Bin Liners



Polythene sacks are normally classed as FMG (fast moving goods) in
retail sector, due to their huge demand as every house hold, office or
any other industry needs them. Hence these are also fall under category
of essential item. We can help to fulfil any requirements you may have.



Plastic may come across as a non friendly material when it comes to safety of our environment however we are delighted to confirm that our products are made with 100% recycled material. Our raw material is produced using plastic waste which comes through post consumer or production waste of any industry. Therefore it is not only helping the economy but also helping the environment and serving the requirements of the industry.



Our products go through a very vigorous Quality Control system which is in place within our company. Each polythene tubing produced go through width and gauge checking system before it is passed to our conversion department. Once the tubing is converted into polythene sacks then these are tested for length and sealing capacity of the bag. Once the pallet is complete the Quality supervisor randomly select 3 boxes from each pallet to recheck the quality, Once its approved it is stored for despatch.